The Frozen Snot describes the event as "one tough booger" and the course was as advertised. For 2016 I've put together a pretty busy schedule of ultra running and for some unknown reason I also added the Frozen Snot to my calendar. At under 14 miles, it doesn't fit with my other plans for the year, but I registered anyway. Towards the end of 2015 (my year off) I realized that I had been doing a lot of trail runs with decent elevation gains and as the year wrapped up I set and achieved a goal of ascending more than 200,000' for the year. I think my odd excitement about all that climbing may be what moved me to take on The Frozen Snot, while it's nowhere near ultra distance it did offer more than 5500' of climbing.
So far we've had a classic El NiƱo extremely mild winter here in the northeast. The weekend prior to The Frozen Snot I ran the sunny Phunt 50k in shorts. As Monday's weather models started to develop, it became quickly obvious that our mild weather would soon change. Our Harrisburg forecast for the weekend offered up an epic blizzard while Lock Haven was slated to get barely 1-2" of snow. I called our hotel and added a second night in case we were stuck there. We got an early jump on driving and got to Lock Haven before any snow flakes appeared. We stayed at The Fairfield Inn in Lock Haven, which seemed like a very new property with nice amenities, and so did the West Chester University basketball teams who were in town to take on Lock Haven University. Friday night, we had a killer burger at a downtown dive bar named Uncle Albert's and stopped at the Broken Axe for some micro brews before walking back to our hotel. While we slept, barely half an inch of snow fell in Lock Haven while the raging blizzard back home was just gaining strength and beginning the dumping of 30" of fresh drifting powder.
The drive to the Army Reserve Center in McElhattan for the race start was interesting, I was following a pick up pulling an open bed trailer and the winds were howling. Suddenly an old fashioned television cart flew up out of the trailer and with little time for response, it was crushed under our Jeep. I swerved and dodged something else that flew out and decided it was time to pass. We got off the McElhattan exit and I made a wrong turn and after driving in circles briefly and one big healthy u-turn we arrived at registration. I was impressed by the nice Frozen Snot embroidered Marmot fleece that was in the race bag. The Army Reserve Center was bustling with hikers, yes hikers. I was surprised to see so many folks dressed as if they were going on a day hike.
The Start |
The piper played and then we were escorted outside. I noticed a timing chip in my number as I pinned it on, but as the race director said "Go", I didn't see any mat as we crossed the imaginary start line. (I had heard him say that we were starting at the back of the building and finishing at the front, but didn't really know what that meant.) The event started with a road run to Zindel Park, the center of the days activities and location of the aid station. It was about a mile on the road and I took it easy and used it as an opportunity to get warmed up as it was only about 23° at start time.This event requires you to have some sort of traction devices for your shoes and I really wasn't sure when I'd put them on. That little bit of snow we got over night made the initial portion of the first climb slippery enough, so I pulled off the trail after the first switchback and put on my Kahtoola Micro Spikes. Many portions of the trails used in this event, have names and it seemed that the true snot enthusiasts knew all of them. The first climb was called "Barb's Kiss My Ass", which I'm sure there's just some hilarious "had to be there" kind of story of how it got its name, but I frankly couldn't have cared less.
After getting my micro-spikes on, I was quickly in a log jam of extremely slow hiking. I probably couldn't have climbed much faster, but man this was slow. And of course I was followed by a guy who wanted to and eventually pushed by me only to stay right in front of me the remainder of the ascent. That opening climb also included a trail called the "Goat Path" which I remembered as having kicked my butt the one and only time I ran the Megatransect. We also continued onto something called "Goat Path Bonus" which the web site boasts as "adding 300 more feet of climbing". Oh boy. I was climbing so slowly, I actually got a little cold. During the slow schlog up that first climb(s) I noticed ice formed on my socks, shoes and the lower leg portion of my tights. I needed to get moving and generate some body heat, at that point watt generation seemed that it could be in the negative numbers.
I wore my regular trail running shoes (Altra Lone Peak 2.0) with 2 pairs of Injinji socks (one pair was an extremely thin liner sock which seemed to work well), 2XU thermal tights, a Reebok thermal base layer and a long sleeve 1/4 zip pull over by The North Face. I also used a Patagonia Houdini jacket, had 2 pairs of Manzella Gloves on as well (One pair was Polartec and the other a liner) and on my head I used a lycra balaclava from Bass Pro Shops (not very warm, but it keeps the wind off your skin and wicks moisture) with an Outdoor Research Novo Watch Cap on top of that. In a couple of exposed sections it was windy with blowing snow and I actually used the hood on my jacket for added protection.
After that initial climbing there was plenty more as we made our way around Mt. Logan, the first loop of this two-loop course. Everything was slippery from the dusting of snow. I saw numerous others fall, especially on the steep downhills. It was so common, I knew my chance to tumble was coming soon. We reached some crazy downhill thing referred to on the map as "Logan Direct" and it was a sliding board covered in a mixture of frozen dirt and snow crystals. Ropes were tied off to trees in an attempt to give you something to hold onto and hopefully control your plummet. I was with a group of 5 others and saw tons of magnificent falls. One guy fell and literally rolled 50 or 60 feet, he was a mess of flying gloves, hat and hiking polls. In the distance above or below you, you'd hear someone cry out and then see the color of their clothing skidding swiftly downward until something stopped them, a tree or maybe a rock or perhaps the person in front of them. I was maintaining about a 30 foot buffer between me and the guy in front of me . To stay upright I was trying to stay in the snow for better traction and holding onto Mountain Laurel and trees. I came to a stretch where I absolutely had to use the trail and it was my turn, I went quickly sliding on my ass and kept sliding. I made up the space between me and that next guy in mere seconds. I also put a knee into one of my trekking poles and bent it in the process. I bent it back as straight as I could and got back up and going again. A bent pole was better than no pole. I fell 4 or 5 more times before reaching the bottom of that sliding board the event organizers called a trail.
By now I was feeling pretty stupid about being there. These bushwhacked paths seemed as though they were created just so participants could yuck it up and boast about how difficult the terrain was over beers later. I was developing an extremely bad attitude by now. I had run the Megatransect and thought the same thing then and said I'd never return, yet here I was in the same set of hills on the similarly contrived trails that Deer wouldn't use.
They Served The Best PB&J Sandwich In Clinton County |
Toasty Warm |
Arriving at the aid station, I was wondering if the second loop was worth it. As I ran (yes I was running here) closer to the aid station I saw Janice and quickly recognized Jeff Lister standing with her. That lifted my spirits immediately. I hadn't seen Jeff since I put him back on the AT in Clarks Valley last summer. It was good to see them both as I gulped down a bottle of fluid and ate a Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich. Jeff's new dog Bella was sleeping in his truck, meeting her probably
would've made me quit the day's crazy endeavor as I'd have the valid excuse of needing to play with a puppy as my out. I was bummed that I didn't get to meet her. Jeff then told me that Janice had been quite anxious awaiting my arrival as she had heard news that someone was hurt out on the course. Jeff knew that a runner had indeed died from an apparent heart attack, but kept it to himself until I was standing there with them safe and sound. That tragically sad news was why we had heard those troubling sirens earlier. After hearing that news, I just wanted to be done. I finished eating, warmed a little by the fire and Jeff and Janice bid me farewell back out to complete the last mileage.
Jeff & Bella |
Jeff & some goofball |
Immediately after the aid station, the second and shorter loop began with a climb up a rock slide of slippery boulders the race organizer labeled "The Beast". When I did the Megatransect those years ago, it was the boulders where I went the slowest. I was nursing knee pain that day, but today I felt fine so I tried to get up that rock pile as quickly and efficiently as I could. I realized that on the steepest parts, which were common, I went fastest if I simply used my hands and sort of crawled up the rocks. The boulders were pretty slick, but I made it to the top without incident.
The hell that came with that climb was over and I needed to stop and adjust my micro spikes as they had twisted on my shoes. A couple of guys passed me there and each asked if I was "ok" and one said, "hey man, it's all downhill from here". I responded that I had heard that one before and he said that he was serious and the trail was rolling and easy to the road to the finish. As I descended running most of the remaining trail, it was the best I had felt all day. I was actually running, but I also came to realize that we had climbed that mountain of precarious boulders simply for the sake of it and again I felt stupid for playing into this mess.
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"Bumbles bounce!" |
The Frozen Snot volunteers amazed me. It was very cold, I don't think it got out of the 20's during the event. While many of them had fires burning at their stations along the course, there was one lady standing making sure you didn't miss a turn. I felt sorry for her, she was bundled up against the elements all by herself with no fire. She asked me how I was doing and I responded that I was fine and when I asked her the same she responded simply, "I'm cold". One crew we passed (twice)
had a volunteer dressed in costume, I'm not sure if they were The Bumble from Rudolph or a Yeti, but I definitely got a kick out of it. That costumed crazy person was also holding a sign that proclaimed, "Run Faster, I Farted"...loved it! I can't forget to mention the photographer Bill Crowell, how he flew his drone in that wind I'll never know. Be sure to check out his YouTube video. Pretty special folks out there encouraging us and keeping an eye on us. Thank you.
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"Run Faster! I Farted!" |
All Done In The Forest |
Making My Own Path Through The Parking Lot To The Finish Line |
Next month it's back to running! Im headed to The Frozen Heart 50k in Callaway Maryland - looks like a fun grass roots race, gonna be fun!
Other stuff I used:
Ultimate Direction - Fast Pack 20 - made it easy to carry my trekking poles and micro-spikes
Platypus - 2 Liter Big Zip LP hydration bladder
Tailwind Nutrition - Berry (I carried a couple gels and a ClifBar as well, but didn't eat any of them)
Black Diamond - Distance Z Poles
Suunto Ambit3 Peak
This Kid Was Lethal At The Free Throw Line. I Don't Think He Ever Missed. |